Print & Cut Devices possible Cut driver selection

Print & Cut Devices possible Cut driver selection


For Print and Cut devices, usually up to 3 different Cut drivers (Cut after, Using Marks and Cut only) can be selected. Some of them are arranged "hidden".

"Where can I find the individual Cut drivers and how to add them?"

  • Select the Print & Cut device in the Print Environment dropdown menu
  • Open the Cut Environment Manager 


  1. Cut After
    1. Enable <Print and Cut with one device> 
    2. <Add> a new Cut Environment 
    3. Doubleclick on the <Share PrintQueue> button 
    4. Select the "cut after" driver


  1. Using Marks
    1. Enable <Print and Cut with one device> 
    2. <Add> a new Cut Environment 
    3. Doubleclick on the <Add Queue> button 
    4. Select the "using marks" driver


  1. Cut Only
    1. Disable <Print and Cut with one device> 
    2. <Add> a new Cut Environment 
    3. Doubleclick on the <Add Queue> button 
    4. Select the "cut only" driver

Function notes:

Cut After: After printing, the media is transported back to the zero point and then Cut without using marks.

Using Marks: Images are printed with marks. The medium can be removed from the printer, e.g. for lamination, and then reinserted. The Contour Cut is then executed using the marks.

Cut Only: A cutting job can be processed (without printing).

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