Cut button grayed out / not available
ContourCut is licensed, but the “Cut” button in the software is grayed out and cannot be used.
- “Contour Cut” has to be activated
- Within JobComposer select "View" (top menu)
- Open "Tools"
- Check "Cut Environments"
- Now "Cut Environment" shows up in the Toolbar
- Click in <Contour Cutting> to activate
- A
Print&Cut device is selected. For Print&Cut in one device, the <Cut> button is not active.
In this case, cut dialog comes up automatically after sending the job to print( <Contour Cut> must be active).
If you don't want to cut directly after printing, check if there is a “Use Marks” option available for this
machine. If yes, it will enable the <Cut> option, allowing you to cut jobs without printing on the same device.
Related Articles & Links- Introduction to Contour Cut
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