Mimaki Pict Parameter Error

Mimaki – Parameter Error (PICT)


When sending a job to a Mimaki printer, the job is not printed and you get an error message on the printer display.

The print settings and device options of the current Print Environment are not supported by the printer.

This may be because you are using a Print Environment that has enabled the additional print job information/commands required for the Mimaki Cloud Technology PICT (https://mimaki.com/product/software/remote/pict/), but the firmware version installed on the printer or the Mimaki driver installed on the RIP PC does not support these additional commands.


Solution/Workaround – 1
  1. Make sure the Mimaki Status Monitor (Port Settings) is enabled.
  2. Make sure the printer is connected correctly.
  3. Open Print Environment Settings (CTRL+ALT+P).
  4. Go to the Device Options tab.
  5. Retrieve the print modes from the printer.
  6. Retrieve the dot volumes from the printer.
  7. Click OK to close the Print Environment.
When the print modes and dot volumes are synchronized between the Print Environment and the connected printer, the Ergosoft RIP performs a firmware version check. If the firmware is too old, the PICT commands will be disabled for future print jobs.


Solution/Workaround – 2
  1. Make sure the latest firmware version is installed on the printer (consult with your system provider).
  2. Make sure the latest Windows Mimaki Driver is installed on the RIP PC (consult with your IT administrator or system provider).
  3. Make sure the Mimaki Status Monitor (Port Settings) is enabled.
  4. Make sure the printer is connected correctly.
  5. Open Print Environment Settings (CTRL+ALT+P).
  6. Go to the Device Options tab.
  7. Retrieve the print modes from the printer.
  8. Retrieve the dot volumes from the printer.
  9. Click OK to close the Print Environment.

If the printer supports the PICT commands, this procedure will result in them being enabled for future print jobs.

To find out which Ergosoft RIP version is required for PICT Cloud interfacing and if your Mimaki printer model supports it, please refer to the Online Changelog in the User Portal.


Related Articles & Links
  1. Missing job details in Mimaki PICT
  2. Mimaki - Error 11 or 202 Parameter (ergosoft.net)

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