Calibration & Profile with White Ink as “User modified curve”

Calibration & Profile with White Ink as “User modified curve”

“How to do a Calibration & Profiling with  White Ink underlay, using a User modified curve"

In order to do a Calibration & Profile with the White Ink underlay, there is a need to define how we want to manage the white channel. In this case, we are going to use it as "User Modified Curve".
The process will be divided into different phases:
  1. Set the White Channel in Print Environment
  2. Calibration of the White Channel
  3. Color Calibration
  4. Management of Max value of White and Color Channels
  5. Profiling

A. Set the White Channel in Print Environment
  1. Open the "Print Settings" from your Print Environment
  2. Go to "Printing Ink Assignment"
  3. Select your "Spot Color White" Channel
  4. Click on the "Edit" button -> Click on the "Settings" button
  5. Check the option "Exclude from Density"
  6. And check the option "User modified curve"
  7. Click "OK" to apply and save.

B. Calibration of the White Channel

Important Note
The White Chart can only be measured with a device that supports “Single Measurement”, devices have difficulty measuring white charts when scanning complete rows. Please, make sure that your device allows measuring the patches individually.
  1. Open the Calibration Menu
  2. Select Density Linearization
  3. Click “Next” until the “Colorless Spot Correction Curve” panel
  4. On the bottom there is an option for White Chart creation
  5. Set manually the number of patches that you pretend to measure (by default is set 11)
  6. Then click on “Print Chart”
  7. After printing, Click on “Measure”
  8. Measure the chart and finish by Click “OK”
  9. The White curve will be shown 
  10. Click “Next” and “Finish” (Now, the white channel is linearized.)?

C. Color Calibration 
  1. Navigate to "Tools" > "Application Defaults" > "Spectrophotometer"

  2. Check the option “Automatically underlay colors with white”
  3. Click “OK” to save and close
  4. Navigate to "Tools" > "Linearization & Profile Tools" > "Density Linearization"
  5. Proceed as normal
Important Note
When Calibrating Color over White there is a high chance, that the amount of white ink and color need to be optimized. This optimization can be worked to a certain extent in Ergosoft, limiting the White and Color channels to a max value, where both work well.

D. Management of Max value of White and Color Channels

White Chanel Max Value
  1. Navigate to "Tools" > "Linearization & Profile Tools" > "Density Linearization"
  2. Go to the panel “Colorless Spot Correction Curve”
  3. Set the Max value on “Ink Limit (%)”
  4. Click “Next” and then “Finish” to apply and save

Color Channels Max Value

When Printing the first chart for the Calibration you will be able to see how the Color reacts over the white.
In case the Colors Channels need to be reduced from the First step, please use the tool below.
  1.  Navigate to "Tools" > "Linearization & Profile Tools" > "Density Linearization"
  2. After printing the first chart, select the option “Resolve Problems”, at the bottom.
  3.  Focus on the section "Problems due to ink bleeding, pooling or flaking”
  4.  Select the channel you want to reduce and set the patch number that should be the new limit.
  5. Click “OK” to apply and save
  6. Back in the Density Linearization panel, click "Print" to print the chart with new limits and proceed to measure
Important note
Those procedures are intended to be done in the first chart of the Calibration.
After you limit your inks channel correctly. Please, proceed with Density Linearization as normally.

The profiling should be processed, as usual, there is no extra steps to be done.

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