TrueShapeNesting on Networked Departments (Sequoia)

TrueShapeNesting on Networked Departments (Sequoia)

On Networked Departments systems (formerly Sequoia), it is not possible to do TSN on the Client PCs.

Per Default, the TEMP folder on the Master (_Server\Files\TEMP) is set to store TSN generated PDF files. This leads to the situation, that on the Client PCs one has to set the TEMP folder to a local folder in order to enable TSN on the Client. This on the other hand leads to the situation, that one can't do TSN on the Master (because the Master PC can't access the User Data Folder of the Client PC).

The solution is to create a TEMP folder within the SharedFolder and set it for TSN.
  1. Open the SharedFolder.
  2. Add a folder (e.g. "TEMP SharedFolder").
  3. Start TrueShapeNesting on any station.
  4. Set the newly created folder as "Directory for temporary PDF files"

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