List of Swatches

List of Swatches

After the RIP installation, only a "PANTONE solid Coated V4_M1_D50_2deg" Swatchbook is available by default in the Swatchbook Tool.
Ergosoft writes in its Ergosoft 16 brochure and in the Feature Highlights that new Color Books and PANTONE Libaries have been added.
Where can I find the new Color Books and PANTONE Libaries?"

To add the supplied Color Books to the Swatchbook tool, proceed as follows:
  1. Start the JobComposer
  2. Click on Tools > Color & Special Features > SwatchBooks  (at the upper menu bar)
  3. Click on the <Import> Button 
  4. Open Ergosoft RIP in the left column 
  5. Select SwatchBook_Stock > others
Note 1: The SwatchBooks with the extension .swb, which are in this list can be used in SwatchMatcher. All others can not be used in Swatchmatcher due to licensing reasons.
Note 2: Swatchbooks from other sources can also be added. For example, Roland DG and Mimaki offer Swatchbooks.

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