How to exclude spot colors from Density Linearization

How to exclude spot colors from Density Linearization

You are using e.g. spot colors that your spectrophotometer cannot read correctly so that you would like to not linearize them.
Or you have almost identical printers, one running with e.g. CMYK only and the other running with CMYK plus e.g. fluorescent spot colors. And you want to use the same calibrations for them. But when you want to use the exported density linearization of the CMYK only printer in the print environment of the printer with CMYK and fluo spot colors, you get an error message.

Spot colors by default are configured in the Print Environment for being linearized. However, you can change this configuration.
  1. Open the Print Environment settings.
  2. Navigate to the Printing Ink Assignment tab.
  3. Locate the entry for the spot color, e.g. "Spot Color 1".
  4. Click "Settings" at the right side of the spot color.
  5. Check "Exclude from Density" - confirm the warning.
  6. Activate "Use default density".
  7. Close the setting with <OK>.
  8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 for all spot colors that you do not want to linearize.
  9. Close and save the Print Pnvironment with <OK>.
Now, the spot colors are excluded from the density linearization and you can start measuring the CMYK density linearization (without spot colors) or load and existing CMYK density linearization into the Print Environment.

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