File could not be rasterized [111]

File could not be rasterized [111]

A job is aborted while rasterizing in RipServer with the following message
"File could not be rasterized [111]"

The typical source for this problem is that a Postscript file is either too large (Max. size postscript: 500,000 lines) or too complex to be processed by the Postscript interpreter.
If the Max. size of a postscript is exceeded, newer versions of Ergosoft RIP automatically activate screen resolution reduction.
In older versions of Ergosoft RIP, however, this must be done manually, because the automatic screen resolution reduction is not yet included.


Changing Raster Resolution Reduction
  1. Global resolution reduction (for all following jobs):
  1. Go to "Tools > Application Defaults"
  2. Click on tab "PostScript/PDF Parameters"
  3. Check the box "Raster resolution reduced by factor" (the default value is 2)
  1. Resolution reduction for a specific image:
  1. Right-click on the PostScript/PDF image in the job
  2. Select "Render Options"
  3. Activate the checkbox for "Raster resolution reduced by factor" (the default value is 2)
Changing PostScript Buffer size
  1. Go to "Tools > Application Defaults"
  2. Click on tab "PostScript/PDF Interpreter"
  3. Check the "Used by program" value in the "Postscript buffer size" segment (the default value is 50%)
Usually this value should not exceed 50% to avoid memory problems. If problems occur with this setting, the value should be decreased in steps of 10% until a working setting is found.

Related Articles & Links
  1. System Recommendations
  2. Optimizing Performance
  3. Postscript/PDF Interpreter

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